
Showing posts from July, 2016

A Song of Fire and Icelandic

The exhaustion of flying for almost thirty-six hours brings everyone into a slow pace of walking, pulling our luggage towards the arrival area, where Helga, our tour guide is waiting for us. A little smile and a warm " welcome to our country", she hurriedly usher us outside the airport. When we reached the exit door, our spirits were set on alert and we all began to run-jog toward our bus a few meters away. The name of this country lives to its reputation- the wind is blowing wildly, cold penetrating our jackets, I can feel my lips slowly having a wind burn while my hands are going numb cursing why I didn't wear gloves. Why I missed the little detail about this trip, It still makes me wonder. I should have packed a lot of winter clothes because I am currently shivering in Iceland, the real-life  Land of  Fire and Ice. As we are warmth by the heater of our bus, we got curious about the view outside. Sure it is cold, but the picturesque winter wonderland that we expect

Independence is Free

Independence  as per Merriam Webster /in-de-pen-den(t)s/ noun freedom from outside control or support : the state of being independent It's kinda hard to figure out what we really want to be free from. I mean, a lot of people wanted to be free from many things like financial, relationships, work, life, and the list goes on and on... It's something that we just wanna have the feeling of breaking free from a certain feeling or obligation that we oath or reluctantly carry on our daily lives. Come to think of it, we have a lot of those things that we seek independence for.  I often wonder why sometimes, the more we seek for this thing, the more we are entangled and it got complicated. We end up in an endless battle and got used to it. I think, we just wanna prove we can get it or probably we just enjoy the journey and the challenges along the way. It makes our time worthwhile.  In the past, I have a lot of things that I wanna be free from.. ummm, well, unti