
Showing posts from October, 2016

Singapore : A Bookworm's Paradise

Progressive and a strong battlefield when it comes to working, it is an image of great seriousness come to my mind whenever I think of Singapore. When I realized that I will venture my luck to find a job at this city, one of my major concerns is how I will survive without visiting a cool bookstore to do my ninja moves ( a.k.a. free reading of expensive books ). You see, being a self-confessed bookworm, the thought of not seeing and updating my self with books is a dilemma worst than being starving for three days. So it is a hallelujah moment to me when I discovered that the Merlion City is not just a hopeless business center but an emerging spot cultivating it's world-class Arts & Culture. Staying for a couple of months here gives me an ample time to visit some of the hippest and amazing libraries, museums, galleries and bookstores that will surely never gets you bored if you are a geeky gal like me. National Gallery Singapore- I never imagined that I will have the privilege