
Showing posts from November, 2016

Kismet with Adulting

Dearest Self, I feel so old all of a sudden.. The #YOLO feeling seems to be in a far away distance now, I wonder if it's because of me growing old or the insane twist of events in my life this year. Suddenly, I stop doing impulsive decisions, looking intently for details before I go with a plan, I stop talking and seeing people that I less cared about, really trying to focus on bigger goals and heck..yeah, starting to think seriously about my future. I never imagine that it will come this soon in my life... but here I am, welcoming myself on becoming a grown-up or so they called it Adulting. What it feels like when you reached this point?  There is this moment when you started feeling "you are not okay" just because you are not okay.. It is greater than being on a so-so situation where you just feel that you are getting tired on all of this. Am I bit going nuts? I am not sure either. I am having doubts about my past decisions in my life, but, you know you are not t