Malaysia: The Happiest 5K Run on the Planet

Life gets a bit faster on the everyday  heartbeat that we lived. And it seems we still have a lot of things that we wanted to do and things we wanna try once in our lifetime. I just get it when all I currently wanted to do is to tick off as many as I can on my long list of things I wanted to do or try. And one of those is the most ironic one: To go a marathon or music festival ALONE. I love the outdoors but I am never good at running, especially if its a legit marathon. I seldom get medals whenever I join fun runs, because of the carking miles I'm too lazy to finished. So when I saw that the world famous Color Run will have its leg on Kuala Lumpur, I did not hesitate to register myself. It's crazy about keeping myself motivated but somehow I managed to prepare for the run by running every other day, going to the gym and hiking! Too sweaty yet too sweet especially when I was able to finish my run and very proud to say I DID IT!

I am anxious at first, thinking how can I survive to run the starting line continuously, but like any other problems, you just have to bravely take the first step and the rest will just follow. Started around 6AM, there are about 11,000 participants for the fun run.

I took a selfie to show off my color run tattoo on my cheek but the smiling photo bombers at the back are cute haha. I even caught them posing and we just laugh at each other.

What differs the Color Run from the rest is that in every km, you can enjoy the colorful powder rain. All participants started with white shirts and the goal is to get it dirty and happy. This is the reason why It is the Happiest 5K Run on The Planet.

Getting out of the First KM : Blue

These guys just asked me to take a photo with them

Rainbow and Tote

Orange Power

Since I am doing this run alone, I have a lot of time taking snapshots of random cuteness

Keep it rolling, I say

Side Mirror on the Uphill Side

The Green Station got it dirtier 

I am pretending I am sitting on Algaes 

Posing it like a PRO

 Red Lane is where I am In love

I am good at playing dirty, literally!

These guys posing like they are bleeding haha

And I made it!!!

Crossing the finish line 

Too cool for my shoes though

Happiest run shared with family

So happy to wear my medal as a finisher of the fun run. The crowd getting the hype of the ongoing party party wooot woot

It still gets a little boring when you do things alone, but it is also very liberating at some point. You have to master the art of enjoying things on your own.

We dance with strangers

It is indeed the happiest run on the planet! What makes it meaningful to me is that I tick another one off my list. It assures me the feeling of setting my goal on sight and the power to believe and make things happen, in that way, the end result of being happy about it is actually the reward itself.



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